Friday, August 19, 2011

Week One: Class and Work Begin

Now that the first week of classes and work are completed I thought I'd give you a bit of an update.

Class: I have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. At 8:30 I'm in Intro to the Old Testament 1 with Dr. James Hamilton. At 1:00 I'm in Personal Evangelism with Dr. Timothy Beougher, and at 2:30 is Systematic Theology 1 with Dr. Bruce Ware.
There was a goofy grin on my face as I walked through the halls on Tuesday. It was (is) really hard to believe that I was where I was, doing what I was doing. There was a deep sense of joy that day, but that joy was mixed with a great sense of fear. "This place could kill me", I thought several times. Yet joy was predominant.
Thursday was a bit of a different story. There was still a sense of joy, but that joy was quickly eclipsed by the fear. I've sat in rooms listening to brilliant men unfold beautiful things before. I've not given them my thoughts on theirs before. So as we talked more about specific assignments feelings of fear, doubt, intimidation, and inadequacy came rushing in. They stayed with me that day in lesser and greater degrees. The Spirit is doing His job of leading me into all truth and today has been marked by several realizations and perspective shifts to help me cope. I'm torn between wanting to leave town when the tests come due, and wanting time to hurry up already so I can get through this first semester and experience it instead of continuing in the fear of what I do not know. Such drastically contrasted desires going on inside of me!

Work: I worked Wednesday and Friday for Danny Hirby of Serious Business Painting. Wednesday had me on a site alone with a power washer preparing the external of a house for painting on Monday. Today I went to Danny's house to paint his new house. He and his wife are moving into their new home tomorrow. I plan to go with some guys from church to help them move in the morning. Danny is a really great guy and a dear brother in the Lord. I'm looking forward to working with him
It's fun putting on grubby clothes for work and not being concerned with wrinkled shirts or whether or not it's a good hair day. I do have to fight against the feelings of failure that come when you do a job that reminds you of your High School job. Oh, the good memories of Janzen's Greenhouse....
I am so thankful for this job. Danny is a great guy and just what a Sem. student needs. I think Danny and this job will continue to be a huge blessing!

Bekah is all signed up to take an SWI (Seminary Wives Institute) class on Wednesday mornings this first term. She seems excited and nervous, too. She's going to do great, and I'm excited to hear about the great things she'll learn and the friends she'll make. (Isn't it funny how easy it is to have faith for someone else?)

Please pray for us as we work through all of these wildly opposite emotions. Pray that we will continue to fight to believe the Lord is wise in calling us here. Pray that the pressure of all of these new things will make us a more godly family. We want our difficulties to make us more like Christ, instead of bitter or anxious. Keep praying for Ella, our need for good friends and our decision about church.

We love you guys, and REALLY appreciate your prayers! May God bless you as you pursue His kingdom come in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for writing this blog. PLEASE keep it up. I feel so much closer to you guys, in come ways even closer than when you lived here in town.
